Our Common Destiny: Creating a New World From the Erotic Intelligence Within

“There is no insurmountable solitude. All paths lead to the same goal: to convey to others what we are. And we must pass through solitude and difficulty, isolation and silence in order to reach forth to the enchanted place where we can dance our clumsy dance and sing our sorrowful song — but in this dance or in this song there are fulfilled the most ancient rites of our conscience in the awareness of being human and of believing in a common destiny.” — Pablo Neruda

What are you?

Really, what are you?
What are your values?
What matters to you?
How strong and resilient are you?
How bold can you be?
How soft, tender, strong, vulnerable, alive can you feel?

What do you stand for?
What world do you want to be a part of creating?
What matters enough to you to use your voice in service to bringing more of it into this world?

What does your Voice have to say?

Not your usual, everyday voice that you’ve learned to use to say the things that won’t make waves and what will keep you swaddled in the supposed safety of the status quo, but your Voice?

I capitalize it to show that it is the expression of the Truth within you. That which is core to who and what you really are, and what matters enough to you that you are willing to brave your fears in order to Speak.

It is by coming to know and speaking this Voice into the world that we can come to a greater awareness of being human and making real our common destiny. Why? Because this Voice comes from a Source that is erotically and intelligent, meaning it is infused with Life.

Eros is so much more than sexuality. We are taught that simply to keep us reigned in. Eros within us is what allows us to feel deeply, and when we feel deeply we feel alive. When we feel alive, when we feel deeply, when we come to hear and feel and sense what is truly within us and we find the inherent joy in expressing it, we absolutely shake up the status quo.

Eros is the impulse to live. It is Life force — the force of Life to live fully. But this force does not live for itself; it lives for ALL of Life. It is infused with a knowing that serves all of Life. This Voice knows things our rational mind cannot, and speaks in a way that connects rather than divides. It is that which can lead us to our common destiny.

Can you hear the Voice within you?

Here’s the thing. What you are hungering for, longing for, IS to ‘convey to others what’ you are. What we hunger for is to be seen and known, not on a surface level but on a deep level of Truth. It is by coming to know and express this Voice within that you come to finally be known as who you are. It is by willing to listen for and to the Voice within those you love that you can finally come to know others in your life.

Voice doesn’t have to be spoken through voice. Voice can be expressed through any medium a human being uses to connect and make oneself known. And yet, to speak it is to feel it vibrate throughout your body and is a way to substantiate and authenticate yourself into the world.

Find a way to go within, to listen deeply, to write what you see and hear within you, then speak this to someone you know and trust. Find a place that welcomes your Voice so you have the chance to get to know it, to trust it, and then to finally embody the intelligence within it. Do what it takes to come to this enchanted place. When enough of us do this, our world will come to reflect this deeper intelligence in all we create. Our world will come to embody our common destiny. We can do this. I know we can.