“Julie Daley is...exactly what leaders need...”
“Julie Daley is a unique combination of profound experience, technical skills, deep searching, and practical wisdom – all focused on exactly what leaders need to take themselves and all of us into a better future.”
— Michael Ray, Professor Emeritus, Stanford School of Business
“Julie... can take us to new levels of performance...”
“Julie has deep insight and the ability to integrate in ways that can take us to new levels of performance, discovering parts of ourselves that we never knew existed.”
— John Hagel, Co-Chairman, Deloitte Center for the Edge Innovation:
photo by MOna EEndra
Welcome! A bit about me...
The most important capacity I offer in my work is my ability to walk between two worlds: one, the world of the intellect and reason, what some refer to as the left brain world, the other, the world of the heart and compassion, intuition and creativity, often referred to as the right brain. I move between these two worlds with ease, but more importantly I know them well so that I can facilitate others in developing the capacity to navigate between them.
I started out life loving art, but I soon learned that math and logic were important to know (and a little exciting, too). I came to work in the financial industry for many years, many of which were as a systems analyst (and yes a COBOL programmer). I knew intimately the algorithmic side of life - those step-by-step procedures that have their place in business.
I then returned to school (Stanford University) to study computer science, human-computer interaction, psychology, design thinking, and studio & digital art - all wrapped up into a neat new major for the time - Interaction Design.
After graduating and completing my honor's thesis on Spirituality & the internet (this was a pretty 'out-there' idea for 2001), life dropped some really difficult experiences at my feet. I was already grieving the death of my husband, and now more grief. And in the months that followed, I felt a deep longing for something completely different as I moved forward in my life.
I set out on a journey to quench my longing, to find what it is my heart longed for. This journey took me many places around the world, as well as to teaching communities of people who were facing profound transformational challenges - families affected by 9/11 and community members affected by the Sandy Hook tragedy. I became a teacher of Creativity in Business and a certified professional coach.
I learned a lot about the creative, transformation, and the grief processes. Believe it or not, at their core these three processes are very similar. And, I discovered what they have in common offers something integral to growing powerful leaders who can both navigate the deep waters of these turbulent times, as well as catalyze truly new and innovative cultures.
I've spent years exploring mindfulness, feminine consciousness (relationship, receptivity, & connection) and leadership, which turned out to directly inform my work with creativity, compassion, and collaboration.
A little personal note: I'm a mother to two fabulous women and grandmother to six grandchildren. In my free time, I love to walk, dance, practice yoga, meditate, and lift weights. I'm an avid writer, painter, and photographer, too.
My Background and Training
Certifications + Degrees
Stanford University: B.S. in Interaction Design, with honors and distinction.
(Worked closely with Terry Winograd (CS), Clifford Nass (Comm), David Kelley (Design School), and Greg Niemeyer (SUDAC - digital art).Certified Creativity in Business instructor - Michael Ray, Professor Emeritus, Stanford School of Business
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) through the Coaches Training Institute
Partial Client List:
Stanford University
Bing Nursery School, Stanford University
Stanford University Continuing Studies
EVE Programme, Evian-les-Baines, France
Banner Health
Eileen Lynch, Coaching & Consulting
Coaching & Mindfullness:
I have studied with numerous creative, conscious, brilliant people. As a result, I bring a deep understanding of mindfulness, the awakening process, and incorporate many different types of coaching, mindfulness, and awakening practices into work with my clients.
Andrew Harvey and the Institute for Sacred Activism
Awakening Coaching Training
Coaches Training Institute (CTI)
Conscious Embodiment (Wendy Palmer)
Creativity in Business Certified Instructor (Michael Ray)
Lynn Barron
The Hoffman Process – Community Facilitator Training
True Purpose Coaching (Tim Kelley)
“Julie is like a fine tuning fork..."
"Julie is like a fine tuning fork, using her body, mind, and spirit to connect and sense things on a deeper level. She has helped me come home to myself. ”
— Alison van Buuren, MBA, CEC, Executive Coach
“...one of the best...”
“Julie is one of the wisest coaches I have worked with. She is one of the best, a genius of the body and heart. Her words, her presence, are a manifestation of what is real, what is precious, what is life giving. Julie’s ideas, words and intent feed what must be fed for us to change the course of our planet through love. Let yourself be fed. Let yourself know the real in your bones.”
— Jennifer Louden, best-selling author
photo by shreyas malavalli
"...a very gifted, teacher, consultant, and coach..."
“In a 30-year business career, I have worked in a wide range of companies and roles, from management consultant at the Boston Consulting Group to marketing guru at high tech startups to an executive and corporate officer at a public company. I haven't ever encountered someone with Julie's unique combination of heart, soul, intelligence, and wisdom. She is a very gifted teacher, consultant, and coach. It is hard to imagine an individual or organization which wouldn't benefit from her talents. She will bring the kind of personal and organizational growth which is so needed in our world today.
— Dave Torrey
"...a top notch professional..."
“I hired Julie to deliver a customized off-site training experience to help our marketing team overcome creative obstacles. I'm pleased to say that she exceeded our expectations across the board. We started with a very nebulous set of goals, and Julie immediately jumped in to help us refine and prioritize what we could reasonable accomplish. As the date of the offsite drew nearer, the trainees were very skeptical about what the training was all about and what the results might be. Julie deftly overcame these negative perceptions and turned the team's skepticism into enthusiasm within the first couple of hours. By the end of the day, the team was in high spirits, delighted with the tools that Julie provided and the exercises she led in helping us to identify and engage the barriers to our creative success.
She is a top notch professional who I would not hesitate to hire again."
— Eric Watson, Microsoft