"When Julie speaks, people listen.
Her presence has an impact."
Are you looking for a speaker to ignite and energize your attendees, employees, audience, or community?
Whether it be a keynote, conference breakout, off-site retreat, or small, intimate gathering, I would love to share what I know. I've spoken to and facilitated a variety of organizations and communities from Fortune 50 companies to Non-profits serving 9/11 families and the Sandy Hook community to undergrads, continuing studies students, and university employees at Stanford University.
“I hired Julie to deliver a customized off-site training experience to help our marketing team overcome creative obstacles.
I'm pleased to say that she exceeded our expectations across the board. ...
She is a top notch professional who I would not hesitate to hire again." — Eric Watson, Microsoft
Looking for something to fit your exactly what you're looking for? I'm happy to customize something expressly for your organization.
Possible Topics:
Leading for Creativity
How to Grow Your People
Unleashing Creativity for Women's Leadership
Taming the Voice of Judgment (VOJ), or How to free people to be their best!
Creating a Creative Culture
International Talks
Vancouver Island, BC
The Journey:
Out of the Shadows and into the light
TEDxIsfeld was a satellite event for the TED Women's gathering that year. I chose to share a very personal talk on my own journey to reconnect to my creativity and my feminine nature, while hoping what I had to say would encourage many others to do so as well.
Preparing and giving a TEDx talk is a wonderful experience. It felt both personal and professional in a way I've not experienced before. To me, TED is where the two can come together in a powerful way. I hope you enjoy watching and that my talk offers you not only insights into your own personal life journey but also ways in which I might be able to support a leadership or innovative initiative within your organization.
EVE Programme
Évian-les-Bains, France
Plenary talk:
Liberating our Naturally Creative Power
Creativity and Authentic Leadership
While our authentic nature is powerful and confident, often when we dare to be empowered we meet parts of us that don’t feel powerful or confident. In fact, they frequently sabotage our success. When this happens, we tend to judge ourselves rather than empower ourselves by coming back to the powerful inner self. In this workshop, you’ll experience this inner self that is creative, always present, and a source of strength, confidence, and other qualities of an effective leader. You’ll learn practical ways to engage with this powerful flow.
EVE Programme, Evian, France | photo courtesy of pierre Le Tulzo (PhotoproEvent)
I had the honor and privilege of speaking to hundreds of women and men at the annual EVE Programme in Evian. EVE is a program to empower women in business in French organizations. The event was held at the gorgeous Hôtel Royal - Evian Resort on Lake Geneva.
Podcast Conversations & Interviews
The Creative Giant Show
In this interview with Charlie Gilkey, I talk about regaining and reclaiming trust in ourselves and our creativity.
You can listen to the podcast here.
The Amiel Show
In this enlightening conversation, I spoke with Amiel Handlesman about how Creativity is much broader than art or even new ideas and products, andtouched on how Creativity isn’t even just about creativity. It’s about being skilled in emotions, difficult conversations, and leadership. I also led Amiel through an exercise to experience his own Creative Source, which you can do yourself while listening to the conversation.
Spoken Word & Poetry Readings
Syzygy Dance Project's 4th Annual Fall Fundraiser
I was honored to read four of my early poems for this important benefit.
Syzygy Dance Project is dedicated to bringing dance to all. We dance with bodies of all ages, colors, sizes and abilities. This includes veterans, inmates, recovering addicts, and at-risk youth.
Photo (c) Laura Duldner
One Billion Rising
Bay Area Fundraiser
February, 2013
Spoken Word Readings on the beauty and inherent power in women, as well as voice-over readings synced to music during our evening dance benefit.