Liberating Ourselves from the Pervasive Bind of Being Reasonable and Logical

Liberating Ourselves from the Pervasive Bind of Being Reasonable and Logical

We are not logical creatures. We never have been. We are imaginal beings, sacred to the core, mystical beings appearing as real live people, here to awaken love, here to find delight and joy in living, here to not turn away from ourselves or each other when we forget what we are.

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Writing Directly Out of the Vast, Deep Mystery

Writing Directly Out of the Vast, Deep Mystery

We are so deeply interconnected through something much greater than any one of us. When you write what brings you joy or deeply moves you,  and you faithfully express it as you hear it, you move those who feel a similar way or need to hear it, or something else related. There is a connection. There is a correlation. We do meet our audience through our words but not in the way we 'think' we are supposed to.

Something greater than any one of us connects us through the deep place of love within each of us. It is this that drives creative expression. It is this that we honor when we write what we hear. And our writing becomes so much easier through this honoring.

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Transforming who we believe we are and what we know ourselves to be capable of.

Transforming who we believe we are and what we know ourselves to be capable of.

The creative process is a transformational process. By entering into the unknown space where true creativity can emerge we must let go of what we think we know, acknowledge that we do not know, and be open to receiving that which will both carry us across the creative unknown and transform who we know ourselves to be and what we know we are capable of. 

It is by facing the obstacles we meet, as well as being able to ask for and receive help along the way, that we become more aware of our essential capacities within that have been there, silently waiting for us to call upon them, all along.

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Dark, Ancient, & Deep: The Call to Return to Soul

Dark, Ancient, & Deep: The Call to Return to Soul

I learned to reject the dark, to reject the inner, to reject feelings and sensations, to reject intuition and instinct. I learned to reject an entire realm of my true existence.

I learned, as so many of us did when we were young and growing into young people, women and men, that darkness is associated with things we should avoid. Darkness was lumped together with what we believe to be bad. Yet the dark is rich soil where seeds sprout then steadily and sturdily push through to the light. Darkness brings life and light. Darkness nourishes. Darkness is where ancient things have been hidden until it is safe to return again to the world of light. Darkness is incredibly rich and beautiful.

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Insistence of Expression: What do you long to experience in 2018?

Insistence of Expression: What do you long to experience in 2018?

If you’re looking for a different way to envision what you see 2018 bringing to your life, consider what you’re longing to experience as a way to get in touch with what you desire for bring forth this new year.

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Stay Close to the Bone

Stay Close to the Bone

There’s an essence about oneself, a sense of ‘-just-is-ness’. Essence as in a closeness to — an intimacy with — a truth of oneself. I language this as staying ‘close to the bone’ of one’s true nature. It’s a kind of ‘solidity’ of self that isn’t solid at all, but finds and knows itself as seemingly solid in human form. But more than this, the bones are a metaphor for deep knowing and understanding — not of the mental variety but rather of a kind of wisdom and intelligence inherent in all things.

This feels real to me as it bridges our nature as consciousness, itself, alive in the cells of a human body. Awake and alive, close to the bone, is close to home.

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Women, the Earth, and Our Wild Nature

Women, the Earth, and Our Wild Nature

We want to know this relationship with life again, yet we fear it. It is the substance of experience our souls long for, yet our ego selves tell us so many stories about what will happen if we follow this deep longing in our bones to reconnect to a love we can’t quite remember but are so starved for. And so we turn away from the message when others offer it. We tell ourselves, that isn’t me.

Yet, to stand strong in these times, courageous in love, we must know three things:

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Sustaining the Web of Existence, Human & Otherwise

Sustaining the Web of Existence, Human & Otherwise

Every human being not only matters; their voice, creativity, and uniqueness are vital to the health of the whole, and to the strength of the fabric that holds us all together. And many who are not in positions of power or privilege have been silenced, traumatized, and denigrated terribly.

Moving forward, as leaders we must ensure inclusion and diversity, as well as provide the opportunity for everyone to rediscover what they truly are and that what they truly are matters to the whole of life. As leaders, our job is to midwife this essential creative nature and create a culture in which people are free to express it. We need everyone’s creative genius in order to move forward. We need everyone’s happiness from being connected to the whole. We need connection, period.

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Eros: The Missing Link

Eros: The Missing Link

A few years ago, I had a profound dream. Not only was the content profound , but the depth of feeling was as well. It was one of those dreams that stays with you and that continues to teach you because of its depth and clear symbology. It was so real that it felt like an experience rather than a dream.

I listened to what this dream was telling me, and over time it continues to tell me more and more. Just lately, I’ve been able to tie it to a calling I’ve felt for my own life and the work I do — that of awakening Eros in myself and in the women I work with.

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Women & the Earth: Awakening Eros

Women & the Earth: Awakening Eros

To bring the holy, the light, and love to all of life’s mundane moments and things that can frighten us so. To do our best and be in integrity. To realize where we are responsible to this world in a way that enlivens us and the world. To bring the wild Source of our nature into structure so the wild Source can come all the way into our lives…all the way down and into our world, our lives, and our creations.

Yes. This is it. The hot holy. The blinding breath. The cosmic presence. The delighted spontaneity. The impish bliss. The lightness of depth.

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A Leadership of Nurturance and Nourishment

A Leadership of Nurturance and Nourishment

I see leadership as a powerful force for change in this world because it can, if we become leaders who know how to do this, support the unfolding and evolution of humanity’s genius and potential. And what I know is that this true genius and potential are aligned with the genius and potential of life itself when it comes from within — not from the over-fretting and judgmental mind, but from the deeper aspects of each person. It’s where our creativity, which is simply our essential nature and genius — arises out of.

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Remove Your Shoes and Enter Into Something Vast and Rich


The space gets thick and silky. Like honey. Flowing — slowly, richly, sweetly, fragrantly.

We’ve entered into something vast and rich. Together. Each in our own inner world. And still together.

We’ve entered into the center of the labyrinth within our own vast inner world. In a circle of women, the space becomes thick and rich in the way when we open to the unknown. The unknown isn’t empty. It is rich and succulent. It’s space filled with possibility. Fecund space. Fertile space. Rich space.

In the way we are able to in this moment, we’ve entered into this circle of Writing Raw with open hands and hearts, having left behind the need to know, the need to judge, the need to praise; we’ve let go of what keeps us from receiving, honestly; we’ve let go of what keeps us from hearing, clearly; we’ve let go of our need to control. And we enter into the space of receiving. Receiving words. Receiving courage. Receiving love.

We’ve removed our shoes.

And then we write. We write the rawness of our lives, the rawness of the unknown and how it offers itself to us, the rawness of our souls. And then we read. We read our words. Aloud. And then we offer a simple, “Thank you.”

Maps that guide us.

There is an ancient knowing offered throughout the ages through mythology and many native and indigenous wisdom ways that we can intentionally enter sacred space. There are many ways to do this, but at the heart of this entry is the understanding that in order to do so we must ‘take off our shoes’, something spoken of and embodied in eastern traditions. Our shoes indicate the outer world, the profane world where we’ve lost sight of our sacred nature and the sacredness of all things. There really is no physical line where the profane becomes the sacred, but there is in our minds for when we walk in the world with forgetfullness we walk with a kind of (often unrealized) disrespect.

There are maps others have left for us, maps humans have used to enter into and navigate the creative unknown. What I’ve come to see is that many of them show us that in order to receive something from the unknown, we must first release something before we enter. We can’t receive if our hands and heart are not free and open to receive. And, once we’ve received, we must bring what we’ve received back into the outer world, whether it is to be created in form and/or as a transformation within ourselves. We must live the gift(s) we’re given.

While the map can never be the territory, they can remind us of what we know somewhere ancient and deep within. In the courses I teach, I offer a map of the creative process, something to guide our minds with understanding in how to engage with that which is beyond knowing. Another map is the labyrinth. It offers a way to enter into sacred space.

And it is through the inner labyrinth that we’ve come into this space that is like honey. Women gathered together. To listen. To write. To read. To be heard. To be seen. To be acknowledged.

While the writing is beautiful and real and often deeply transformative, it really isn’t the writing we are here for. We are here for what happens when we enter into this unknown territory,


with open hands and hearts, with courage and the desire to remember.

As the one who leads us into the labyrinth through guided meditation, I never know what will come, what words will emerge as I guide, and what words will emerge through my own writing and the writing of my sisters. But, after three years of leading these circles, I completely and lovingly trust what comes. What always comes.

The space gets thicker each round, the honey sweeter. It has become an offering that nourishes me as much as I’ve heard it nourishes my sisters.

It is the trust that grows — of self, of other, of the sweet darkness of the unknown and the love it has for us. Yes, the unknown offers us love and remembering of our nature as creative beings, as respectful beings, and as joyous beings.


Writing Raw

You don’t have to join Writing Raw to enter this sacred space. You can walk the inner labyrinth yourself. You can use this to enter into any creative space. Business or personal. Alone or together.

And, if you’d like to join me and the women who will gather together, a new six-week circle will begin on September 5th. You can find out more and register here. It is truly a transformative experience and a delightful one you won’t soon forget.

Yes, we write.

But it’s not about the writing. Not really. You do not have to be a ‘writer’. You only have to be able to put down on paper what you hear from within. That is all. And that is more than enough to come to know yourself in a whole new way.

Creativity isn’t a thing; it’s a fluid process.

Creativity isn’t a thing; it’s a fluid process.

Your creativity isn’t really a thing. It is a fluid process. That, along with its mysterious nature, is what makes it so hard to define. The good news is that this process brings forth powerful qualities that we each need to live more fruitfully and successfully in the world, qualities such as strength, will, joy, compassion, and intuition. Again, these qualities come from within you and they are in service to you living your whole and full self in this world.

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Your Creative Ideas: 4 Steps to Shift from Destroying Them to Bringing Them To Life

Your Creative Ideas: 4 Steps to Shift from Destroying Them to Bringing Them To Life

We do not reject ourselves unless we have forgotten that we are love. We do not reject ourselves unless we have turned away from our true nature – and we do that by arguing for our own unlovability - by judging ourselves as unlovable.

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You must come to honor, protect, love, and serve what lives within you.

You must come to honor, protect, love, and serve what lives within you.

I want to seduce you...

...out into the bright sunshine, out into the light where you see the brilliance of your own reflection; where you understand the significance of your presence here on earth; and where you also accept your insignificance enough that you let go of your mighty plan to save the planet and instead relax into the joyous shape of who you’ve always been, offering the creativity, beauty, and power of this simple you as a gift to this world.

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