FLOURISH won’t be offered this fall, but you can hire me as your Coach and Mentor so we lead you to a flourishing life.
Photo by Arthur Poulin on Unsplash
YOU want to flourish.
You want your loved ones to flourish.
You want your community, company,
or team to flourish.
You want the planet to flourish.
You're in the right place.
Flourish offers the soil within which you can flourish; and Flourish teaches you how to prepare the soil in which others can flourish.
Flourish is for all women, women leaders & executives, coaches, therapists, & other service professionals.
flour·ish ˈfləriSH/ verb
(of a person, animal, or other living organism)
to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of
a particularly favorable environment.
Flourish IS this favorable environment that
grows human beings in a healthy, vigorous way.
Learn the art of flourishing. Step into a leadership of human possibility.
Call it Soul, Self, Essence, or Life Force, there is a personal creative resource within you that fuels your full potential as a passionate human being. How would it be to trust in and bring out your joy, compassion, and deep creativity by bringing out the power of your own life force?
You have this incredible power within you, but to know it and express it you must come to give it your focus and attention. By doing so, you say YES to life itself, YES to your own existence, YES to joy, and YES to the dignity and honoring of all Beings.
Flourish has been designed to do exactly this.
But flourish is more than this. Flourish is also the place where you can learn how to develop the soil in which others can grow and flourish. This is truly what we are here to do as leaders in these times.
"FLOURISH has had a profoundly positive influence on me in so many ways! Even though we are not in the same room together, I still feel the palpable energy of a circle of women and nothing is lost from using the technology of Zoom. Julie’s heart, authenticity and skills come through to create a deep connection with each other.
One particular lesson has been to begin to understand the feminine and her beautiful power, my beautiful power. Another, is seeing how this brilliant feminine power has been squelched and feared by the patriarchy and the effects on not only the collective Soul but our individual Soul. However, I am no longer disheartened because Julie and her course empowers us with the best of answers. Describing the results of these profound exercises are limited by language yet felt so deeply in the soma and reveal my intuition. There are also more concrete exercises such as the time and stress exercise.
I will walk way with a lifetime of how to navigate actions I can take. FLOURISH is not only personally transforming but a whole reference library I get to keep.
Julie, you have given us hope for change in so many ways." BH, Psychotherapist
Flourish ignites your creative life force - the power that brings you joy and can effect loving change in the world.
For each of us to flourish, we must...
be seen as someone who matters, someone who is valuable..
know we are worthy of kindness and love.
feel we belong.
be held as someone whose life and expression are integral to the health of the whole.
be nurtured, nourished, and even cherished so that our full potential is brought forth into the world as it was meant to.
be encouraged to grow and transform courageously beyond our fears.
This is what we will experience in Flourish and this is how we will learn to lead.
Life is meant to flourish. We're meant to relate, connect, express, give and receive.
In our current paradigm, some get to flourish more than others, but we need the creative brilliance that flows into the world when everyone does.
“If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear, people who can open to the web of life that called us into being, and who can rest in the vitality of that larger body.”
—Joanna Macy
In our world right now...
... so much is going through a profound dissolving. Institutions, norms, rules, and agreed upon ways of being are eroding. We feel the effects of this, but what makes this harder to be with is the lack of focus on what we are creating in its place, as well as the difficulty we have in staying connected to our joy and compassion.
This is where Flourish comes in.
When we realize the possibility we have to effect change as human beings by coming into direct realization of the creative source within, we can bring forth solutions that serve the whole of life. We begin to lead for a change that will honor our human possibility and dignify all of life.
This is our opportunity as women leaders: to embody the feminine principle, not just to give women equal footing but to be that which honors and nurtures human beings back toward a state of flourishing. We begin to do this by honoring and dignifying ourselves and nurturing ourselves back to a state of flourishing.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
"Each woman who gives birth to herself and responds to what life is asking her to accomplish, contributes to the survival of our species and the diminishment of human suffering."
~ Anne Baring
As leaders who trust in human possibility, our invitation is to...
Learn to trust in the basic goodness and possibility of every human being.
Awaken the innate creative potential and compassion that exists within ourselves, so we support those we lead in doing so.
Honor and dignify our individual and shared humanity, as well as our powerful diversity.
Lead for creativity, collaboration, and compassion.
Ensure all we lead have the opportunity to flourish as they were created to be, exactly as they hunger to be.
Rekindle a love for this life that is greater than our fears.
Come to trust and rest in life so you can do what you came to do.
As women leaders, together we can...
Photo by Thiago Cerqueira on Unsplash
realize a deep compassion that allows us to open to the needs of the world, whether it's the world at large, the world of our organization, the world of our neighborhoods, the world of our families, or our own vast world of self.
rediscover our innate knowing that everything is interrelated and interdependent.
reawaken to the source of creative insight within that can answer the questions we face as a singular human being and as a species.
discover how best to guide people, communities, and organizations to flourish in generative, emergent ways.
support the creative, communal power of people who've gathered to grow and serve.
It is time for us to come fully alive by marrying the truth of our full humanity with our awakened creative potential - the soul.
Our natural resourcefulness is born out of our capacity to be creative in every situation where we Do Not Know.
When we don't know, we step into a place of possibility - human possibility infused with the intelligence of life itself.
Flourishing is contagious, generative, and (r)evolutionary.
For the past fifteen years working as a coach, mentor, and educator, I've created environments in which individuals and and groups could flourish. By bringing together personal and leadership development, powerful curriculum from Stanford University, and a depth of listening that tunes in to the whole person and whole group, those I've worked with have come to reawaken and reclaim their innate capability for deep insight and active compassion. A partial list...
Stanford Students
Community members affected by the Sandy Hook Tragedy
Pre-school teachers
Family members who lost loved ones on 9/11
And marketers, medical advocates, coaches, and many more...
People like you, from many different walks of life, in a variety of life situations, learned this powerful, proven process. Using the tools and practices offered, these students reawakened an innate wholeness and creative potential. And many have gone on to create environments in which others now flourish.
You'll leave FLOURISH with:
an intimate awareness of your essential nature drawn from your own dynamic experiences.
an understanding of purpose that is simple yet uniquely yours.
tools to continue to use in your own personal life, as well as to use with those you lead, coach, mentor.
a map/guideline of how to navigate your own creative process and any challenges you will meet in your life.
an understanding of how to BEGIN anything new, even things that scare you.
exercises and practices to help you deepen your ability to navigate the unknown and uncertain future.
9 in-context practices to deepen your learning in all of the areas of your life.
a new way to see yourself in context to the greater world around you that gives you a palpable sense of belonging, as well as a clear understanding of the reciprocity inherent in Life.
an experience of your inner world and a beautiful way to navigate it.
a powerful way to hold your clients, employees, direct-reports in a state of total acceptance and love so they too can open to life and transform how they are and express in the world. This one takes great awareness and compassion. This is how I coach. We'll practice together.
And if you cannot complete everything during the course run, everything will be downloadable so you can complete things at your own pace.
FLOURISH Course Schedule & Content
Each week, the FLOURISH curriculum will include three different ways to learn:
1. Theory: teaching points and new ways to see things (much of it from the Stanford University highly successful Creativity in Business course).
2. Experiential: exercises to directly experience what you've just learned through theory to help you embody and understand the teaching, as well as show how you uniquely FLOURISH so you come to know and support yourself more clearly.
3. Practical: worksheets, schematics, maps, diagrams, exercises to do on your own and share with your people
Module One:
Grow, transform, and evolve - yourself and those you serve.
We will only flourish when all can flourish. We will only be free when we are all free. We must grow, transform, and evolve, to be healthy, happy, and successful. There are four fundamental questions each of us silently, subconsciously, asks of each other. Knowing what people truly need and have within themselves to flourish, allows us to lead them to flourish. Discover the root of what supports you as you do this work.
Theory: We'll explore the need for the growth of people, the nature of true power, and the loving and kind qualities necessary for these times: compassion, creative insight, and the willingness and ability to collaborate and support each other.
Experiential: Experience your powerful and vast essential creative self.
Practical: Practice asking the four questions in your life. Root into your firm foundation. Learn, in the context of your everyday life, what works to help you, and the people you lead, grow and flourish.
Module Two:
Learn to be creatively fluent.
You ARE creative! You are resourceful! You are incredibly completely and inherently capable! After this class, you'll never say differently again because you will understand the nature of creative fluency. The intellect is limited in its capacity for problem solving, but our essential ‘intelligence’ at the heart of our personal creativity is connected to the whole and therefore can innovate and relate in ways that serve the whole. When we work from this essential creativity our work will bring forth what’s necessary to move us all to a more sustainable, interrelated, and interdependent cultural ethos and material expression.
Theory: There is an arc to your AHA! (creative) moment that is the same for every moment. Once you learn what happens within this creative arc, you can consciously choose how to better support yourself and others in having more potent and effective ideas. EVERYONE has a source within that is creative, resilient, resourceful, compassionate, joyful, and loving.
Experiential: Experience your unique creative process, and learn to prepare for the AHA moments! you want more of in your life and your work.
Practical: Live-with practice to deepen trust in your creativity. Map what will most support you in bringing forth these AHA! moments more often and organically. You can use this map in your work with your company and clients.
Module Three:
Discover the ONE thing that keeps your creativity stagnant and jailed.
Control and command, judgment and condemnation, do not work to grow people, relationships, community, or organizations. For a long time, we've lived in a culture (societal, organizational, familial) that has functioned through control, domination, judgment, and fear. There is a voice in all of us that attempts to get us to behave in ways that are 'safe' rather than creative, resourceful, and resilient. While it feels like control is what we need to do existing in a world that is uncertain and ambiguous, in reality, it is creativity that allows us to thrive. Rather than crossing a river or climbing a mountainside of shale by moving really slowly, calculating each step, when we move soundly and fluidly, staying in creative motion, we cross and climb with the opportunity to feel each step and how to adjust as we go. This is what creative fluency offers.
Theory: Judgment drives the Imposter Complex and Inner Critic. But the Judge is more than just within you. It is also all around you. It's what we do with the Judge that makes all the difference. This one learning can change how you live, lead, and love.
Judgment is the number one thing that keeps people from acting on and completing their dreams and visions. Learn exactly what judgment is, how it is created within you, how it works, and how to soften, quiet, and even liberate it so you can be and express the power that flows from within you. We'll also find the power and clarity of the mind when it is objective and discerning.
Experiential: Experience your Judge and learn how it developed, while also experiencing your inherent desire for expression and joy.
Practical: Receive and utilize a three-step process for disengaging the Judge and making choices from a clear mind in creative flow.
Module Four:
Journey to grow, innovate, and transform.
We are here to grow, transform, and evolve, together; to be healthy, happy, and successful together. While we must take our own, individual human journeys in order to grow and evolve, we must do this together - in relationship - in order for growth and transformation to happen. The journey of growth does necessitate coming to truth, but it doesn't have to be filled with suffering. When we take the journey with awareness using a map that helps to guide and support, we both reclaim our humanity and our connection to something greater than ourselves. We are here on earth to journey.
Theory: We move through uncertainty consciously and relationally by using our personal creative resource to guide the way. We must learn to trust in and feel supported by others and by life itself. Here, we learn to shift behaviors from feeling you must do everything yourself to accessing the people and possibility that are always around you. You can only do what you are truly here to do by living from a place of connection to everything rather than individual separation and isolation.
Experiential: Navigate the unknown territory of your journey toward the intentions you're holding for your life and work. This exercise is a game-changer. It teaches you how to navigate future intentional goals in a way that is creative and transformative.
Practical: Map your current heroine's journey, with everything it holds in the way you uniquely navigate. You can use this for everyone journey.
Module Five:
Learn to relax into, listen to , and relate with, the creative unknown.
How will you be when you come face-to-face, in the moment, with the ambiguity and uncertainty of life? How will you meet it? Life itself is not the adversary. The adversary is within each of us and within our fear of each other.
Theory: What really happens when you meet the unknown, the uncertain and ambiguous nature of your life, relationships, and work? There's a way to be in relationship with the unknown. There's a way to relate with the unknown. There's a way to demystify your relationship with the mystery even as the mystery remains mysterious. Hone your ability to be in reality with vital awareness. Come into relationship with the intelligence that sustains you.
Experiential: Be guided into the heart of the mysterious nature of your essential self and the ground of your warm heart.
Module Six:
Discover your Purpose.
When you come to see you are here to grow and flourish, as well as someone who prepares the ground for others to grow and flourish, too, you realize you are here to lead in a way that serves rather than controls. But serving can only come out of our own capacity to love and give back. We each have a unique life purpose that we live when we are doing what we love. Serving through purpose insists we do what we love, which in turn releases more love into the world.
Theory: In FLOURISH, the concept of purpose is simple and profoundly enjoyable to uncover because it is comes from the core of what you love. While purpose is simple, living it isn't necessarily easy. It pushes right up against the judge. But now having ways to practice direct access to your essential nature, as well as powerful maps and tools, opens you up to living purpose with greater ease and more joy. It's joyful to witness others discovering their purpose, too.
Experiential: You'll articulate your values, the things you love to do, and the qualities of your essential nature. You do this to embody who you are and what matters to you...so that you can live what you are here to live.
Practical: Exercise to decipher purpose and values to use for yourself and those you serve.
Module Seven
Find more trust in yourself, others, and life by realizing how judgment creates division and separation, and what can truly heal that error in how we see things.
Everything that keeps us feeling separate from ourselves, each other, and from life, come out of the way our minds have learned to judge (fear) ourselves, each other, and the mysterious nature of life). This fear of the unknown of how things will turn out - Will I succeed? Will we meet our goals? Will he stay? Will I leave? Will I ever learn to truly honor what I need and love? - cause us to control things we have no control over. Nothing can flourish in this state of control.
Theory: This week, we go deeper into the organizational, cultural, and societal effects of judgment and how to begin to liberate them. We dive deeper into the Voice of Judgment and how it shows up in the world. We explore how understanding the nature of conditioning, and how to liberate it, is crucial to creating a culture in which you and those you serve can grow and flourish. Easing the sense of separation we feel from each other is at the heart of creating work, societal, and family cultures that not only flourish but also serve the larger whole. (It's also at the heart of easing the sense of separation we experience within ourselves.)
Experiential: Understand what causes stress, what your stressors are, and how to deal with them in a practical, sane, actionable way.
Practical: Exercise for dealing cleanly and clearly with stressors in your life so that you can take action and learn to be with those things that create stress. Learn about a new way to organize community or business culture that allows for a more fluid flow of creativity and cultural health.
Module Eight:
Grow, transform, and evolve through relationship.
The heart doesn't need to be a lonely hunter. It is only through the heart that we can face what we fear with grace and the ability to stay fluid, relational, and creative. We are each others' teachers. Every single human being is doing their best with the tools they have. Give people new tools to do better and they will, as long as there is heart in the giving, in the desire to help them grow.
Theory: We explore relationship through compassion, community, and an understanding of 'one diamond - many facets'. Here we bring together purpose, life intelligence, power-from-within, and collaboration.
Experiential: Engage in a meditation practice that opens the heart to yourself, to others who are difficult to interact with, and to the world at large.
Practical: Various worksheets and handouts to deepen your practice and pass on to your clients and those you lead.
Module Nine
Develop a foundation for human wholeness, dignity, and respect.
One of the main keys to supporting life to flourish in human beings is to offer a way for us to remember and reclaim dignity and respect for ourselves, for each other, and for life and our beautiful planet. In doing so, we form the foundation for wholeness and sovereignty, which in turns supports a remembering of the world's wholeness.
Theory: In week one, you find that which you can count on to hold you as you grow and transform. Over our time together, you develop trust in your essential nature. Now, you develop the four corners that make up your personal sense of self-worth, to embrace your humanity and humanity as a whole. This is the foundation of how we flourish. Prosperity. Self-worth. True, natural, organic abundance. Here we as leaders can know our own worth, value, and dignity, while supporting others to grow into people who know their own worth, value, and dignity - as well as the worth, value, and dignity of all of life.
Experiential: Together, we move through the four-corners of self-worth, taking a reading on each one to see where we can grow and flourish. This foundation is crucial to self-worth and the journey to self-understanding.
Practical: Worksheet for four corners of self-worth practice. How to envision and create a healthy container for creativity.
Flourish Includes:
Zoom Video Calls (almost like being together in real life!)
Online Community Group
We'll commune in a secret Facebook group to share our weekly reflections and insights.
Weekly In-depth Content
9 in-depth, beautiful PDFs to go deeper into the content.
Payment & Registration
Choose Payment Arrangement and Process
Not currently available as the course is closed.
About Julie:
I've been exploring the Feminine since the late 1990's. It's been a long, deep, both mysterious and mystical journey. Over these years, the feminine has been revealing herself to this world again and we are now beginning to truly witness her reemergence. This personal inner journey to come home to soul and down into my body has, of course, informed all of my work.
I'm a certified coach and have trained as a coach through multiple coaching programs. I'm also a certified Creativity in Business facilitator.
I've been teaching at Stanford University for twelve years, ten years of which was teaching a course on Creativity & Leadership.
Many clients tell me I am much more than a coach and teacher. They've offered these, but of course none of them truly capture what I do:
Mentor. Spiritual Advisor. Guide. I do deep soul work. Powerful transformation work. All done through a depth of love that holds everything as sacred. Nothing in you needs to be fixed. Everything within you longs to be loved. This is the loving path of deep transformation.
What I do is hard to put into words, but what I feel is more important is the space I create so that the innate, divine intelligence within you can do what it desires to do - grow and transform and emerge into the world as the beautiful creation you already are.
Client love:
"My experience of your work is it accesses a dimension of ourselves we don't frequently access.
For me its like technicolor embodied soul exploration. ...you most definitely open a portal for all of us."
- Writing Raw participant
"Experiencing Julie speak is like sitting at the feet of a High Priestess... Her words issue a fierce alert:
Pay attention. Listen. You need to hear this."
- Tricia Karp
Read more testimonials...
Do you offer scholarships?
Yes. I offer scholarships for half-tuition to women who apply. Women of Color will receive priority in the selection process. Contact me for details.
How much time will this take each week?
Each call is 90 minutes. In between calls, you'll practice a Live-With - an in-context practice for learning applied to your daily life, and read that week's PDF. All together, approximately three to four hours, although that can vary with how deep you want to dive into the work.
Must I attend all of the calls?
Not at all. But the more calls you can come to, the more you'll get out of the course...and the more you'll have the opportunity to share your journey, challenges, & unfolding.
I work with others and am wondering what I will be able to use with my clients after taking Flourish?
We'll be using many tools, practices, and experiential exercises throughout the course. We will also be studying how to be with clients/people in a way that allows their own somatic, systemic intelligence to become aware of itself so that the system can transform in the way it organically does. My hope is that you'll find some other tools and ways to be with your clients to support them in their unfolding.
***Do you offer refunds?
No. Your registration is a commitment to the course. If after attending two calls you feel this course is not a fit or something unexpected comes up in your life, you are welcome to use the total cost toward one-on-one coaching or something else I offer down the line.
I have a question that’s not answered here.
Please email Julie [at] juliedaley[dot] com and I will do my best to respond quickly.
I'm still not sure this might be right for me.
If you are still not sure, take a moment to feel for resonance in your body. Is there a longing, a nudge, to know yourself in this way? Having a bit of fear is normal. We haven't really been taught to trust these aspects of ourselves as women, and we haven't been taught to trust our nudges. But...we must learn to trust the nudge.